Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So I have decided to start waking up earlier to blog. I never cease to be amazed that I can sleep in until 7:30 on a weekday and still get to work by 8:30. In fact, I can sleep in until 7:45 if I wanted to…and that includes eating breakfast. I suppose it helps that my commute does not have a lot of traffic to contend with, and that my client isn’t very far away. It definitely helps that we don’t work until 1:00 AM; otherwise I would need every second of sleep.

On the other hand, morning blogging doesn’t suit me. Sure, I can check my favorite websites for inspiration. I may have even had dreams. But my mind hasn’t reached the point yet where it is racing – thinking of all sorts of random thoughts that I just need to get out.

And topics I have been wanting to talk about, just seem to disappear. Do I blog about the swine flu? About the priest who wants to get married? About finances? Or about my job? All of these have affected me, and more, and yet, at 7:50 AM, I feel a little exhausted just thinking about “getting into” any of these topics.

Another problem is research. So far, my blog has just been my thoughts. I have not used fact or figures to back up any of my opinions, because they are just that – opinions. On the one hand, you can make a fact or statistic say anything you want. On the other hand, can I really stand up and state my belief in something unless I have some evidence for it? All in all, I like to write like C.S. Lewis. He seemed to use man’s internal logic for his writing – rarely if ever have I ever come across him say something like, “According to a recent survey…”

My final obstacle? J My new computer. I cannot explain it, but ever since I got this new computer, typing has become a chore. This is sad, because I thoroughly enjoy typing! I could sit and type all day and have nothing to actually type! But either the keyboard or the programming does something weird. If I start to typing too fast (and I type fast), then suddenly I’m accessing menu options left and right! And it’s not good…sometimes my entire document is erased…I zoom in and out uncontrollably….I had to start composing my blogs in Word because a) there’s an undo button for when I erase everything and b) I can save it. Has anyone else had this problem? Is it Vista?

So there you have it – you can expect more from me in the future. Now that all my excuses are on the table, if you don’t hear from me, you’ll know why. (And just so you know – I really was going to blog about the priest who wanted to marry this morning, but the fog over my brain prevented me from getting a good start at it).

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