Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Boycott

It's kind of funny how the world works. A few weeks ago, almost by accident, I discovered that a company that is near-vital to my current life situation, one that I do business on a regular basis, one whose competitors don't hold a candle to, donates money to Planned Parenthood (PP).

I had been aware that there is a group of pro-life activists out there who research PP donors and boycott them. (Their website is But the list is locked down and must be purchased, and so I never got involved. I could claim ignorance before. I cannot now. And in learning about this company, I learned about more - one which, though less vital to my current existence, turned my stomach. And so I purchased the list. (Some are turned off by the requirement to purchase the list but I can justify the organization's reasons - not only do they use the money to fund their research and campaign, purchasing shows that you have a greater commitment to the boycott, which I will explain below).

My list arrived in the mail and was easy to read. I quickly ran through it and highlighted companies that I do, did, or would reasonably expect to do, business with. There was also a list of "dishonorable mentions" - not-for-profit groups that also donated money to PP (who would have guessed that when you "donate" these groups just redirect your funds for you). It also included a schedule for me - it had divided people who subscribe to the list into categories, and we are all asked to write letters to different companies on a weekly basis. I see the value in this idea - that way the company is always being reminded. However, I wasn't sure what to do with the list - many of the companies on my schedule were those I did not do business with. Without being slightly dishonest, threatening to boycott a company I would never normally buy from doesn't seem to be much help.

The list also promises to update me on new additions and, more importantly, subtractions. For instance, Mrs. Fields and Kohl's have recently been removed from the list. It is important to know so that we can - and even should - begin buying from these companies again. They are the prodigals! Although I like Kohl's, and although JCPenny's and Sears (as far as I know) were never even on the list, I should favor Kohl's in my shopping now so that they can see the difference the end of the boycott made. On the other hand - we don't want to accidentally send a letter to a company that is no longer supporting PP.

Anyway, I have some observations about how this boycott thing works, I'd like to write about because I find it interesting. I would like to devote some time to the companies themselves and their replies - if any - but only on my Pro Life page. The reason is that I think we have a responsibility to boycott these companies, even if we don't write letters, because of where the money goes, I know that if someone finds out a company name and then ignores the information, then they have a conscience issue - so that is why I will only write the names on the other page.

Writing these companies is a unique and paradoxical activity. First of all, there is the challenge of pointing out how incredibly disappointed I am, while still being polite. But also, I want to be (honestly) complimentary toward the organization. Essentially my message is this - I love your product and always have. I appreciate your desire to give back to the community, but I don't agree with how you are doing it. When you stop, I will buy your products again, and even go out of my way to do so.

As I mentioned above, some of these companies are very hard to boycott. For some, it is a mental, emotional, or financial boycott. I couldn't believe that family organization was on that list! That company's competitor is so expensive and has terrible service! But then you have to think, "Am I willing to pay for abortions? How many babies am I willing to kill to save money?" But other companies are almost impossible to boycott! There is a company on this list that is so ingrained in every day life, that it would almost be like boycotting water! (Another reason I don't give out names - if it's unavoidable, how can you live with the guilt). Some companies are those that I would never buy the product, but I find myself using at work (software - for some reason there are a lot of software companies). Others are media outlets, such that I never actually give them any money - they make all their money from advertisers but depend on ratings. So how do I know if I am contributing to their ratings?

What I have found is that setting ground rules is essential. For instance, I only boycott the actual company, not those that sell the products. For instance, Wal-Mart is a major retailer, and it carries a lot of these products because they are popular with customers and because it offers choice. At this time, I choose not to boycott Wal-Mart because they are not on the list, and that is a good thing. In the same way, if I am boycotting a television network, I am not going to flat-out boycott everyone who advertises on that channel. Or boycott a company who donates to a charity that donates to PP.

Another ground rule is about how to treat the company you work for. Most of us don't have enough power in our company to make decisions like charities to donate to, although we can always try to influence from the inside. One website I went to said not to quit your job if you're company is on the list, unless you are a revenue producer. I slightly disagree. I would attempt a few times to change policy from the inside, while looking for a new job in the mean time. But there are other issues with your work place - like I mentioned before, software. I can't change what software my company uses, nor can I decide which office supplies we buy. I can still write letters, but I have no actual power behind the letters.

I have decided, whenever a charity on the list asks for money, that I will donate money to a charity not on the list - and then I can write the charity and show them my choice.

So far I have been lucky to not have to make life or death decisions based on this. I don't take any regular pharmaceutical drugs, but many pharmaceutical companies are on this list, and many make unique life-sustaining drugs! I honestly don't know how I would handle this ethical dilemma, except I think I would ask my doctor if there was anything even close that another manufacturer made. But these situations make the company's position even more disturbing - it is as if they are holding you hostage to help pay for PP, just as we are forced to pay taxes which go to PP as well.

Some companies are such that their presence on the list doesn't surprise me, and I don't think we CAN make much of a difference - even economically. Maybe they sell "adult products." Maybe their CEO is a known advocate of population control or other liberal type agendas. Some sell pregnancy tests, which can be used by PP but also by pregnancy crisis centers - they are a product for both. We can still boycott the company due to ethical reasons, but it may never make a difference because they see their donations as in-line with their business model. I just learned also that many of these companies are based in Europe - where the abortion mentality has been ingrained much longer than in the U.S.

While I am alarmed at sickened at some of the companies on the list (so-called "family" companies), I am also surprised at some NOT on the list. Not that I'm complaining. The biggest surprise is animal oriented companies and charities (I don't remember seeing the Humane Society). As I said, I'm not complaining, and I think it shows that most companies have better charities to donate to - PetSmart, for instance, would be donating to the Humane Society and not bothering about PP. But I also know some very strong pro-animal and pro-environment people are also for population control, and I can see the connection. It comes down to, "Love animals, hate humans." But that is not what I see on the list, so I like that.

This is a very serious boycott, and I have already found times when it is difficult to follow - but I do. It makes me think about other types of boycotts - some people boycott non-green companies, companies that use sweatshops, or non-American companies. Such morality based boycotts are hard - they consume every aspect of our life, and we have to trust God to take care of us if we have to make difficult or financially insecure decisions. Still, I have do to what I have to do - and I hope that very soon I can report a company coming off the list!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Social Media

"Kids these days just don't know how to communicate." Even as my parents' generation begins to embrace social media outlets, they still bombard me with cliches like this. I most recently heard this when both my cell phone carrier and my dad berated me for emailing tech support rather than calling them.

I saw email as a more convenient way of fixing my problem - explain the problem, wait for a reply, and follow the steps outlined. I could still go about my business without inevitably waiting on hold for hours and then talking to someone with a heavy accent. (To be fair - I later had to call the customer service line and with the exception of the lady judging me for initially emailing, the service was quick and understandable). My dad saw my choice of email as an attempt to avoid personal contact.

There is certainly a generational problem here. My general philosophy is, "If I cannot do it via the internet it's not worth doing." What I mean by that is, if I need to purchase something, ask for help, look for directions, addresses, or phone numbers, or even look at a restaurant menu, I would rather be able to do it online. Obviously that doesn't mean I hole myself up in my house and never leave. But like many in my generation, I have found the internet useful for conveniently placing help requests, searching for the best price, and making purchases without in-your-face salesmen trying to get me to upgrade (the popups do that for me).

Whether this strategy is right or wrong, it is the way of the future.

Further, people in my parents' generation don't like social media. They see it as inferior to real life interactions - including telephone. I suppose they never stop to think that telephone itself is a form of social media that has evovled. It is true we are social people - we have a real need for interaction and that includes physical touch and presence. Having a cell phone, email, and facebook at my disposal allows me to keep in touch with people I would otherwise lose track of. It allowed me to not go crazy from loneliness when travelling on the road. Not only is it "good enough" when you are physically unable to connect with friends and family, it is a great tool to facilitate those meetings when they do happen.

In other words, I don't think our generation has a problem communicating at all. Okay, so, "What r u up 2?" may fly in the face of all grammar nuts out there (like myself, actually). But if kids actually think that these are correct spellings, that is a failing of the education system, not social media. (Further, language DOES evolve - words are created to reflect the language of the day, and in some cases grammer can be revised to reflect popular useage). Instead, people are communicating much as ever. We are just using different methods.

Another objection is the TMI aspect of social media. This is an objection to WHAT we communicate. But we must remember, again, that what we say also evolves. Our general style of speaking to each other has become less formal over the ages. Even before we could post TMI on facebook, we tended towards announcing it to our friends, family, and coworkers in person. This TMI comes in forms such as facebook status updates and blogs. The former I tend to see as a mini-creativity festival. Can you say something quirky and funny to amuse your friends and semi-friend? The latter is a great way to express your opinions, whether people read them or not, or to stay in touch with friends and family long distance ("Today little Millie took her first steps, see the photos!"). Those who tend to be crude or too-open in real life will tend toward the same on the internet, and those with standards will continue to hold them.

In other words, I think that people complaining about the mass usage of social media are comparable to people complaining that we don't know how to write in cursive or ride horses anymore. While I don't think face-to-face conversations will ever go out of style, complaining about the method we use to communicate seems to be akin to complaining about progress in general. Ultimately each generation will choose its outlet, and the generations before and after will wonder at it!

On a similar note, social media etiquette seems to be a point of contention as well. Frankly, it seems I have bad cell phone etiquette. I guess you are not supposed to talk while walking down the street or in any public place. I am sorry, but that's the very reason I have a cell phone - to be able to have a conversation with someone when I normally would not. I'd like to know who has determined what is and is not rude when it comes to cell phones. It seems to me that the cell phone users tend to break "all the rules," which means the rules need changed. In other words, many of the so-called cell phone etiquette rules seem to have been set up by those who don't use cell phones.

Now, I agree some places are just too much - like restaurants. But no cell phones in public at all? I live alone and am alone much of the time. Although I would like that to change, I cannot live in perfect isolation. Many times that I find myself on the cell phone when people would prefer I not be, it is because I am in a place where people have companions. At the grocery store or in the cafeteria, people are enjoying conversations with real-life friends or coworkers. But I have none with me at the time, so what is so wrong about enjoying a conversation with a friend who is not there? In other words, the only difference between those who are "polite" and "impolite" is whether the person they are talking to is there physically or not.

And I am not sure why talking on a phone while walking down the street would offend anyone. It is the same concept as above. I am not one to just enjoy exercise because I can - and so I like to take walks and talk to people. When I cannot have a real person because of distance or scheduling issues, then I call a friend or family member to talk to. A walk down the street by myself without anyone to talk to would bore me to tears and become real work at that point.

In other words, I think that those who use the social media should set the standards. If a group of teenagers are sitting at a table texting while eating dinner and none are offended, then perhaps we should see that as the new norm - for the future generation. Granted, texting while eating dinner with grandma would be considered rude. But those who are actually using the product do not take offense.

And my final point is about instant gratification. It is true, we are too connected. Just like I refuse to take a walk without being "entertained" (because that is really the heart of it), many of us cannot go for extended periods of time without being connected. While I don't know if this is good or bad in itself, it can lead to an instant gratification mindset, which can be dangerous if we allow ourselves to be instantly gratified in other ways. In other words, it is good to force ourselves to take breaks from social media and cell phones - even me - in order to teach ourselves discipline. But to have discipline taught to us by an older generation who never exercised such discipline themselves (their self-gratification was lower tech but existed nonetheless) is a little demeaning.

So the point is - stop judging old men! You can join the social media train or not, but don't pretend that it is somehow inferior to the communication methods of the past. Like any form of communication, it is only as good as its users. And, since apples don't fall far from their trees, if you have a problem with the users, you might want to consider exactly why that is.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Here is a link that should make every American angry. Some of us believe in more government spending than others, but a listing like that on this link, and those listed below, is enough to drive anyone mad. We may each have our own pet projects on this list that we like, but as a whole, every single one of these items should be scrapped. It is my hope that a large portion of these ideas are put into place.

"Stimulus" Repeal: Eliminate all remaining "stimulus" funding. $45 billion total savings. - This makes sense. Many governments try to squeeze everything they can out of a budget in order to be given the same or larger budget the next year, which creates waste. Not just the stimulus, but all projects should be accountable to unused funds.

Eliminate federal control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. $30 billion total savings. - Any federal organization that operates as a business, collecting fees and such, should be expected to survive on its own. The Post Office and the Federal Reserve both operate outside of the US Budget. Not to mention the incredible problems both these organizations have caused our country in the last several years.

Repeal the Medicaid FMAP increase in the "State Bailout" (Senate amendments to S. 1586). $16.1 billion total savings. - This is one of those items that people would probably scream over. However, consider this. States have to balance their budgets (just look at what's going on in Wisconsin), but the Federal Government has TRILLIONS of dollars in debt. Would it not be better to allow each state to handle the replacement of these federal funds in the way it sees fit? They can raise taxes or cut expenses, but it would be their ultimate choice. Further, budget conscious states would not have to shoulder the burden for states that require more hefty federal assistance.

More than 100 specific program eliminations and spending reductions listed below: $330 billion savings over ten years (included in above discretionary savings figure).

Here is the full list of cuts:

Additional Program Eliminations/Spending Reforms

Corporation for Public Broadcasting Subsidy. $445 million annual savings. - Public broadcasting utilizes a combination of Federal funds and donations (and corporate funds) to operate. So why do we even need tax dollars to go here? Make it compete on the market - I am sure there are tons of corporations willing to donate in order to have their name mentioned once or twice. Further, is it really so wrong to have advertisements on these stations?

Save America's Treasures Program. $25 million annual savings.

International Fund for Ireland. $17 million annual savings. - Why are we giving money to Ireland? I just watched a web broadcast about taxes in Ireland, and to hear Ireland tell the story, they are doing great! Why would we just ship money over there if we are the ones with huge debt problems? Why not just use this money to incentivize corporations to repatriate to America? I have a lot of respect for the Irish, and because of that respect, I really don't see Ireland as a country that needs our charity.

Legal Services Corporation. $420 million annual savings.

National Endowment for the Arts. $167.5 million annual savings. - Frankly, I think that arts should have to stand on their own. Who says what art is, anyway? There seems to be a mindset that people will not buy the great art and it needs to be subsidized. But by that definition, is not "art" just anything crummy enough that no one wants it? I think that "art" is something that I would be willing to PAY FOR and hang up in my living room. Further, this money sometimes goes toward creations that are just sick - remember Piss Jesus? The picture of a crucifix in urine? No one's tax dollars should have to go to that.

National Endowment for the Humanities. $167.5 million annual savings. - Doe anyone even know what this is?

Hope VI Program. $250 million annual savings.

Amtrak Subsidies. $1.565 billion annual savings. - Once again, a corporation should survive on its own. The airlines are constantly struggling to turn a profit, and we don't bail them out.

Eliminate duplicative education programs. H.R. 2274 (in last Congress), authored by Rep. McKeon, eliminates 68 at a savings of $1.3 billion annually. - Preposterous! 68 duplicative education programs! We spend so much money on education, and no one thought to check to see if the job was already being done?!

U.S. Trade Development Agency. $55 million annual savings.

Woodrow Wilson Center Subsidy. $20 million annual savings.

Cut in half funding for congressional printing and binding. $47 million annual savings. - Congress going green! I say cut it by 75%. (Admit it, they need notepads to doodle on and play hangman while people are debating on the floor).

John C. Stennis Center Subsidy. $430,000 annual savings.

Community Development Fund. $4.5 billion annual savings.

Heritage Area Grants and Statutory Aid. $24 million annual savings.

Cut Federal Travel Budget in Half. $7.5 billion annual savings. - Again, I would say cut this even more. I would make states pay for any travel expenses incurred by their representatives. Senator Moran, I am happy that you were elected, and I love it that you like Kansas so much that you want to come back every weekend. But if you expect me to pay for it - and for people in other states to pay for it - then you are mistaken. By all means, stay the weekend in D.C!

Trim Federal Vehicle Budget by 20%. $600 million annual savings.

Essential Air Service. $150 million annual savings.

Technology Innovation Program. $70 million annual savings.

Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program. $125 million annual savings.

Department of Energy Grants to States for Weatherization. $530 million annual savings.

Beach Replenishment. $95 million annual savings. - What does that even mean? I am picturing people wheeling sand onto beaches in a constant but futile effort to keep the beach from eroding away.

New Starts Transit. $2 billion annual savings.

Exchange Programs for Alaska, Natives Native Hawaiians, and Their Historical Trading Partners in Massachusetts. $9 million annual savings.

Intercity and High Speed Rail Grants. $2.5 billion annual savings. - See, this is an item I could get behind in certain circumstances. Start-up costs for rail programs are beyond most mid-size city budgets. But at the same time, how could this be done that is fair to the states? Why should people in Wyoming subsidize a high speed rail in Kansas City? Cities do have bonds for these types of things.

Title X Family Planning. $318 million annual savings. - I wanted to find out what this was, so I googled it, of course. I was taken to the "Office of Population Affairs." Another national committee of some sort that I have never heard about. Why not defund that while we are at it? So I usedc their search engine to find a "family planning" center "near me." Sure enough - Planned Parenthood. This is just despicable - federal money being used for abortion providers. The House actually did just pass the budget that defunds Planned Parenthood, and we will see if it passes the Senate.

Appalachian Regional Commission. $76 million annual savings.

Economic Development Administration. $293 million annual savings.

Programs under the National and Community Services Act. $1.15 billion annual savings.

Applied Research at Department of Energy. $1.27 billion annual savings.

FreedomCAR and Fuel Partnership. $200 million annual savings.

Energy Star Program. $52 million annual savings.

Economic Assistance to Egypt. $250 million annually. - This may be an item we cannot do without, given the recent regime change in Egypt. However, assistance to foreign countries should be given carefully and following the Bush protocol. That is, the purpose should be to create allies and prevent terrorists and promote freedom. Also, specific goals should be set as to how to use the money, and there should be accountability with the receiving government.

U.S. Agency for International Development. $1.39 billion annual savings.

General Assistance to District of Columbia. $210 million annual savings. - I think D.C. should be able to raise money the way any other city would. The fact that the Federal Government operates there should not stop this. In fact, it should help - D.C. could levy a property tax on the White House! All the monuments should fall under national park service jurisdiction. Tourism and business travel should provide nice streams of revenue.

Subsidy for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. $150 million annual savings. - See above.

Presidential Campaign Fund. $775 million savings over ten years.

No funding for federal office space acquisition. $864 million annual savings.

End prohibitions on competitive sourcing of government services. - Was not this supposed to end when Obama took office?

Repeal the Davis-Bacon Act. More than $1 billion annually.

IRS Direct Deposit: Require the IRS to deposit fees for some services it offers (such as processing payment plans for taxpayers) to the Treasury, instead of allowing it to remain as part of its budget. $1.8 billion savings over ten years.

Require collection of unpaid taxes by federal employees. $1 billion total savings. - THAT should outrage every honest taxpayer in America!

Prohibit taxpayer funded union activities by federal employees. $1.2 billion savings over ten years. - We are seeing this in Wisconsin now. Taxpayers pay union workers, who are required by the union to fork over a portion of their salaries in dues, which are then funneled to political candidates for their campaigns. Many good, honest, union workers disagree with the ideology of the people their dues go to elect, and at least half of the rest of Americans don't like the idea of their taxes becoming free campaign money for the "other side."

Sell excess federal properties the government does not make use of. $15 billion total savings.

Eliminate death gratuity for Members of Congress.

Eliminate Mohair Subsidies. $1 million annual savings. - Say what?

Eliminate taxpayer subsidies to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. $12.5 million annual savings.

Eliminate Market Access Program. $200 million annual savings.

USDA Sugar Program. $14 million annual savings.

Subsidy to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). $93 million annual savings.

Eliminate the National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program. $56.2 million annual savings. - Once again, let's think about the free market here. If the FDA can create a certain type of ruling on what an organic item is, then companies can and will find ways to fit the description. Customers who are organic-happy are already willing to pay a premium for organic food, so if the organization that labels the food as organic has to be a real business, so be it. Organic food prices may go up, but that is the choice of the consumer.

Eliminate fund for Obamacare administrative costs. $900 million savings.

Ready to Learn TV Program. $27 million savings.

One final note - the fact that most people don't recognize most of these items is a huge red flag. It means that:

1. They are not working - if they were working, we would have heard of them. Everyone knows what the U.S. Military or Customs is.

2. They are helping a very small, obscure subset of the population or a special interest group.

3. They are complementing or doubling up on other efforts already in place, including established charities, business, and other government programs.

Read the list again, and if you think you can live without even half these programs, I think it's worth considering dropping them all. We can alwas re-fund special programs, but we can do it this time in a reasonable manner! Let's get realistic with the national budget.

One more thing - crying about the fact that these cuts are a drop in the bucket does not mean that this spending is responsible! Yes, we need to address entitlement programs, but we also need to clean up our own budgets. I cannot imagine having this many wasteful, useless items on my personal budget - why do we want our tax dollars being put to such use?