Saturday, August 18, 2007

My Tie (also known as Mai Tai)

Well, I feel as though I should star off by explaining this blog. I have created it as a way to keep in touch with my friends, and also to dump the ideas - LOOK VEGGIE TALES! - running through my head. (Apparently I write like I talk, and I just noticed a Veggie Tales program running on the TV in this coffee shop).

Well, the idea came from my love of Scrubs, where every episode is titled "My Something." So I named my blog "My Account," because it is an account of my thoughts and experiences, and because I am an accountant.

I have been walking around and thinking about things all week that I want to write about. And yet, when I finally come across a semi reliable internet, most of them go out the window.

As I was sitting here, I saw an unusal occurrence: I guess there's a portrait studio next door, and a lady came in with her teenage son and asked a male customer here if he could tie a tie. The man proceeded to tie the tie around his neck and then transfer said tie to the teenager's neck.

I couldn't help but notice that pre-tie boy and post-tie boy were entirely different. For some reason, just adding a tie to this teenager not only completed his outfit, but it made him look more handsome, older, more mature, and more confident of himself.

I've often wondered what an alien culture would think of ours. Imagine coming to earth and watching us do the everyday things we do without knowing why. An example of this is brushing our teeth. If you were watching from the outside, don't you think taking a little stick, putting some goo on it, and running it vigorously back and forth over our teeth twice a day would look not only silly, but perhaps insane. And then take this silly procedure and multiply it over an entire society. Perhaps those aliens would conclude that no "intelligent life" lives here.

Now reexamine the tie again. I do not know why guys look better with ties, but can you imagine looking at the process from the outside? Men, especially the most successful and influential men, take time out of their day to tie a strip of cloth around their necks, leaving a large portion of it hanging down their front. And this strip hanging down their front is attractive - very much so.

I do not know who invented the tie, but I have to laugh. Most fashion quirks are odd to some extent. I can't think of all of them right now, but high heels are another good example. I don't think fashion has ever claimed to be practical in any sense. But for a trend that has lasted so long and is so widely accepted, I wonder if anyone ever stopped to question where it came from or why it is done.

Think about it....

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