Sunday, December 9, 2007

The End (Revised Restatement)

So it’s been a few days since I’ve written. Okay, it’s been a LONG time. I am currently sitting on a plane living one of the horror stories of traveling. We got on at 2:30, waited for 2 ½ hours for a pilot, and now we are at our destination, still sitting because the ramp is icy. I want to keep a positive attitude. I mean, what else have I got to do? Maybe that’s something I need to work on: having a positive attitude and complaining less. In fact, I’m going to start writing about my thoughts and personal development. I know words can be weak, but there are things I need to think out, and perhaps they will help me to translate thoughts into actions.

However, because it’s been so long, I thought I’d do a quick boring update. We recently finished our re-audit. My dear coworkers are, after a weekend of blissful sleep, going to start working on finishing the 2006 audit and starting the 2007 audit. The goal is to someday be able to catch up.

So I flew in last Sunday and worked until 10 PM. That was my early night. I spent the next two nights working until 1 or 2 AM and then there was a grand finale on Wednesday – we stayed until 3:00 AM! The process was exciting in a way.

I could not open my eyes on Tuesday (after my first night), and my caffeine intake has skyrocketed! However, by the end of the week, it felt like I’d never need a full eight hours of sleep again! This week I went back to some of my more mundane duties, but I also wrote memos and had partners sign off on my work!

In times of stress, I think the most bonding goes on. And this week, we finally felt like family at the client site. Or at least I did. I think perhaps my coworkers thought of me as the obnoxious cheerleader. In fact, as the hours grew later, my manager and I grew loopier, while my senior got pretty grumpy.

On Friday we went in to file the Company’s financial statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission at 4:00. The day went by quickly as we finished up last minute items. It was like a sweat shop! We couldn’t stop to eat lunch, and they ordered it in! As the minutes ticked by, I realized it was a hopeless cause. At 8:00, we finally were dismissed – and yet when I woke up late on Saturday morning, we still had not filed.

Alas, as I am posting this now, we now have filed, but the news does not seem to have picked up on the fact! Perhaps it is because the Fed may drop interest rates again. Whatever the cause, if I ever get arrested, I want the Company's PR agents on my side! They certainly did their job, and their stock's even up! (those who care, apparently feel it will be publicly traded again soon, while my new praying mantis manager does not believe so)

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