Friday, September 7, 2007

My Lover

Oh, I'm excited to write this. I have just a little giddy feeling inside, and I've been looking forward to this all day! Kristal, if you're out there, this post has nothing to do with you.

As I've grown, I've realized that the power to hurt us the most lies with the people we love. It is those whom we love who have the power to make us angry.

This realization has been most useful in rating my friends and family. It also keeps me in check when it comes to treating the people who I love - with great power comes great responsibility.

And then, of course, there's an upside to love as well. So through all this I've discovered a new love in my life. I hadn't known it before, but now it's pretty obvious, and the thought just sends shivers down my spine. How could I not have realized? It's been there all along! And so, I have to share my new joy with you.

This love of mine has been with me for some time, and is almost like family to me, although I don't think you can qualify our relationship that way - there's so much more to it than that. The other day, though, I was getting angry. So angry! And I didn't know why! I mean, such a seemingly little thing shouldn't upset me so much.

And that's when it hit me. I am in love with the wind.

Oh yes. It's true. All my life we've had a good thing going. I mean, we were friends, right? I'd stand facing into the wind on a fall day and just grin! When I got over my fear of tornados, I learned to love them, too! And, of course, who was there for me when I became a pilot? The wind was beneath my wings.

But through the good times, I never realized that what I felt for the wind was love. I mean, sure, I'd used that phrase before, but I hadn't really meant it. The wind was just around to makd me feel happy.

And then I got to thinking about how the wind blowing my hair in my face really annoys me. I mean, I have pet peeves, but this one is ridiculous. And there's no person to blame really. The wind makes me so mad sometimes! And when I drop something, and it goes flying across the parking lot? I mean, give me a break! I don't know what I did to deserve this.

Ah, the ups and downs of love.

So really, what I'm trying to say, is that even when somebody hurts us, it doesn't mean we have to stop loving them, or that they don't love us anymore. In fact, it just shows us how strong our love is that they can hurt us so much. Look at me and the wind. Believe me, anyone else messing up my hair does not boil my blood the way the wind does.

And I'm also trying to say that there's a new love in my life, and everyone is just going to have to accept it. (Then again, I'm sure someone will tell me that they knew all along this was going to happen). Aaaahh...I just love happy endings!

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