Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My Game

So, I've discovered that in Chicago (not just this city, but many places. K-State has this problem also) there are millions of beautiful little sites just like this! Fountains! Parks! Lovely landscaping! Marbled sidewalks and mosaics! Gardens. I would love to take a book or my laptop or just my ipod out to one of these spots and sit and enjoy it on my time off. But whenever I have the time or inclination to have 'me' time, I'm not in a position to get to them! Or, on the other side of that, I have a favorite spot that I just don't want to miss out on! I mean, like most things, I would love to try new things. But many days, I'm so happy with what I've already had before, I don't want to miss out on it! But this spot was beautiful, and when I went back that night, there was a cannon shooting water into the river!
Okay, so My Game:
I play a little game - mostly with myself - without a name, although I suppose it could be called "When Was the First Time I..."
Favorite topics in this game include people. I've had several friends that kind of slid into my life. It wasn't like I started a new job and met my coworkers. It was like our paths crossed through mutual friends for a long time. Kristal is my prime example of this. For people like this, it's kind of like a detective game, thinking back. First you think it was this day, but wait! You were both in the dorms together!
Or you take people whose meeting was very concrete but look back on it after days or weeks of friendship. What was my first impression? Usually, it's wrong. Sometimes, it's random. I wish I had a good example. All I can think of is meeting my coworkers a few weeks ago - I actually think most of my impressions were right.
I also play this game with popular phrases. I remember when "I'm not going to lie..." entered my life: New Orleans Mission Trip. And "It is what it is" seems to be popular since I've returned from Orlando.
The final category this game works well for is electronics. Can you remember the first time you used an electronic key card instead of a key to get into a hotel room? When was the first time you saw a CD? What were your impressions of cell phones when they first came out? Do I sound like I'm 60 years old yet?
I suppose this game is a little like, "Where were you when..." or "What were you doing when..." You know, like we ask out parents - "Pearl Harbor happened" or "You heard about JFK being assassinated" or "On 9/11."
So I don't know if I'm crazy, quirky, or somewhere in the middle. It's just something I like to think about.

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