Thursday, January 31, 2008

Being Alone

Well, it's true. People need companionship. Ever since God made Adam and said, "It's not good for man to be alone," people have needed each other, whether they like it or not. Frankly, homeschooled children and only children lack some of the necessary social skills to get along in the world - due to the fact that they have little experience working with other people.

For six months I have been in isolation. Starting in August, where for four days I literally had no contact with anyone, other than phone conversations with my sister. I have had coworkers and brief periods with friends. But constant quality time - has been lacking.

Through this time I have noticed myself get crabbier, more selfish. When something goes wrong, I overreact. And the the things I get mad at are really the small things.

Another result of this isolation - I am getting used to it. I feel some days like I could carry on this way forever. I mean, when given the choice, being alone is just easier than trying to arrange plans with others. Or to go out when I'm already at work.

For this reason, I can't wait until I get back to Kansas City - so I can start my own life with people again.

For this reason also, I want to appologize ahead of time if my posts start to sound bitter or selfish. I am aware of the psychological trains that aloneness can cause, and I'm trying to edit things. However, there are a few topics taht I would like to address...

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